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Home > A Healthy Smile > Health > Drinking Beverages with Your Oral Health in Mind
Posted by staff on Nov 12, 2018   ::   Tags: Teeth Drinks
DATE: 11.12.2018
TAGS: Teeth Drinks
POSTED BY: staff

Drinking Beverages with Your Oral Health in Mind

You do a lot to protect your oral health. On a daily basis, you brush, floss, and may even rinse with mouthwash multiple times. With Heritage Dental you also have access to honest, compassionate, and qualified dental professionals to partner with on maintaining your oral health…remember to schedule regular visits for checkups and cleanings! 

Patients often ask us, “Could I be doing more to protect my oral health?” If you’re not paying attention to the beverages you consume or how you consume them, then our answer is a resounding “yes.” 

Looking for one place to start? Here are just a few ways to drink beverages with your oral health in mind.

Use a Straw

You know you’re not supposed to drink through a straw following oral surgery like having your wisdom teeth out, but what about the rest of the time? Not only is it okay to use a straw, it actually may benefit your oral health to do so.

Certain beverages contain sugar, acid, and staining agents that can harm your teeth, and when you drink them through a straw, liquids reach your throat with minimal contact with teeth. This can reduce staining, enamel erosion, and the buildup of plaque and tartar that lead to gum disease and tooth decay. Ideally, you’ll simply forego these harmful beverages, but if you’re going to drink them, a straw will certainly help your dental health.

Sip Water Slowly

Your body has a natural mechanism for flushing away food particles and bacteria that can harm your oral health if allowed to linger in the mouth – it’s called saliva. That said, not every body produces the same volume of saliva. Water is always here to help, especially when you drink it after eating. Swish it around, and sip it slowly. Water also often contains fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel.

Try Sparkling Water

You know that sugary sodas are bad for your oral health, but you might not realize that sparkling water contains no sugar. It’s simply carbonated water, and studies have shown that its effects on teeth are virtually the same as flat water, making it an excellent substitute for bubbly sodas.

Don’t Chew Ice

It’s tempting to crunch away on ice cubes in your beverages, but chewing anything hard can cause cracks and chips in teeth that create an inroad for infection. In other words, leave your ice in the glass. 

Avoid Staining Agents

Coffee, tea, soda, and wine, are among the most popular beverages consumed.  Unfortunately, all of them also have the power to stain your teeth. If you’re going to reach for a drink, try to avoid those that could sully your smile, or at least make sure to rinse thoroughly afterward by sipping water. And, if you think your smile could be a bit brighter we can help with our teeth whitening services. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or to schedule an appointment today!



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